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2008.12.21. 22:06 archfoto

A fotókonzerválással kapcsolatos nemzetközi szabványok változása.

Kivételesen fordítás nélkül adom közre az angol nyelvű szöveget. Forrása: Douglas Nishimura, aki többek között az Image Permanence Institute  és több szabványügyi testület munkatársa/tagja közleménye a Conservation DistList december 8-i digestjében.

Here is an update of the status of image permanence standards of
potential interest to the Cons DistList community. In general, I
don't expect that you're interested in most specification and test
method documents, but are interested mainly in recommended

ISO 18901:2002
Imaging materials--Processed silver-gelatin type black-and-white
films--Specifications for stability.
This group is generally not concerned with specification
documents or test methods, but this particular standard
contains the limits for residual silver and residual hypo in
film. It is currently being updated and a new version should
be out by early 2011.

Imaging materials--Processed imaging materials--Albums, framing
and storage materials.
This standard has been recently revised and will be up for
review again in 2010.

ISO 18906:2000 (R2005)
Imaging materials--Photographic films--Specifications for safety
This document was reaffirmed in 2005 and it will be up for
review again in 2010.

ISO 18911:2000 (R2005)
Imaging materials--Processed safety photographic films--Storage
This document is undergoing revision and is out for DIS
ballot. It is expected to be published in early 2009.

ISO 18913:2003
Imaging materials--Stability--Vocabulary
This document is undergoing revision and, with any luck, may
be approved for fast track.

ISO 18916:2007
Imaging materials--Processed imaging materials--Photographic
activity test for enclosure materials.
This is probably the only test method that may be of
interest. A technical corrigendum was submitted last Fall
and the standard will be up for review again in 2010.

ISO 18918:2000 (R2005)
Imaging materials--Processed photographic plates--Storage
This document was reaffirmed in 2005 and will be up for
review again in 2010.

ISO 18920:2000 (R2005)
This document is currently under revision.  I recall that it
is going out for another DIS ballot and is expected to be
published late 2010.

ISO 18923:2000 (R2005)
Imaging materials--Polyester base magnetic tape--Storage
This document was reaffirmed in 2005 and will be up for
review again in 2010.

ISO 18925:2008
Imaging media--Optical disc media--Storage.
This is a revision of ISO 18925:2000 and was published
October 15, 2008.

ISO 18928:2002 (R2007)
Imaging materials--Unprocessed photographic films and
papers--Storage practices.
This document was reaffirmed in 2007 and will be up for
review again in 2012. (Does anyone still have any
unprocessed silver-halide-based photographic materials still

ISO 18929:2003
Imaging materials--Wet-processed silver-gelatine type
black-and-white photographic reflection prints--Specifications
for dark storage.
This specification document deals with silver-gelatin
photographic prints that will be stored in the dark. The
reason for this qualification is because of the problem with
RC prints exposed to light. After almost 20 years of trying
to produce a test method for this problem that was accurate
and reproducible, we finally had to accept defeat. Even the
simple method of simply framing samples and putting them
into sunny windows failed to produce the same deterioration
that is observed when real images are framed and illuminated
by sunny windows. For this group, this document contains
maximum residual silver and maximum residual hypo
(thiosulfate) levels and is therefore of potential interest
to this group. This document is due for review this year.

ISO TR18931:2001
Imaging materials--Humidity measurement and control.
This document is a technical report and does not require

ISO 18932
Imaging materials--Adhesives--Specifications for use.
This document is undergoing a minor revision due to a
withdrawn standard in the references. The withdrawn document
was not an ISO standard. Corrected text has been sent to ISO
and the document will be up for review again in 2013.

ISO 18933:2006
Imaging materials--Magnetic tape--Care and handling for extended
This document will be up for review in 2009.

ISO 18934:2006
Imaging materials--Multiple media archives--Storage environment.
This document will be up for review in 2009.

ISO 18938:2008
Imaging materials--Optical discs--Care and handling for extended
This new document was published September 15, 2008 and will
be up for review in 2011.

We are apparently the most active standards group within ISO and
currently have standard numbers 18901 through 18948 either published
or in progress.


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Image Permanence Institute

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