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2014.08.31. 13:56 archfoto

Budapesti tájkép dagerrotipek. Nincs valami sok.

Frissítve: szeptember 2. Updated: 2 Sept. SUMMARY Daguerreotype landscapes from Budapest. Only 3. In 29 August 1840, was the day when the first known Hungarian daguerreotype(s) was made by Antal Vállas. It was a demonstration of the process at the Hungarian Academy of the Sciences The…

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Címkék: fotokonzervalas dagerrotip historikus fototechnikák Daguerreotype Photohistory Photoconservation Historical photographic processes

2014.08.29. 14:24 archfoto

Vállas Antal meg a Magyar Fotográfia Napja. Jövőre már 175 éve a dolognak. Reciklált blogspot

    Summary In 29 August 1840, was the day when the first known Hungarian daguerreotype(s) was made by Antal Vállas. It was a demonstration of the process at the Hungarian Academy of the Sciences The Hungarian Photography Day is the anniversary of this. Remained a contemporary Protocol with…

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Címkék: szakirodalom fototortenet dagerrotip historikus fototechnikák

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